Dead space revolves around a man name Isaac Clark, an engineer sent on a job for the USG Ishimura, a planet-cracker used to collect ores and treasures from other planets. Along with him, he has two partners, Hammond and Kendra. Together, these three, along with the other pilots and captains, are meant to fix the USG Ishimura after recieving a distress call. When Isaac and the crew make it to the ship, they find things aren't going well since the crash land. Once they get inside, they find out that the ship has been over-run by a hostile alien race, known as Necromorphs. Isaac, Kendra, and Hammond all need to find a way to get off of the ship. After sending Isaac on a series of missions, Isaac begins to see people, such as his old girlfriend, Nicole Brennan. Later in, Isaac finds out that the ship has collected "The Artifact" which is the reason that the necromorphs are on the ship in the first place. Isaac also meets a man who seems to take the side of the necromorphs. Isaac now needs to take the Artifact and leave the USG Ishumura for good. Play the game and find out what happens.
Dead Space offers a smooth 3rd Person view to give a nice look and feel of the game. It also adds to the scary mood of where you are. Frame rate doesn't drop due to how many enemies are on screen. Isaac is given 2 special abilities such as Kinesis, a module to allow Isaac to move heavy objects, and stasis, to slow down objects and enemies. HUD is a smooth clean hologram that pops up in front of Isaac. This is for inventory, maps, and other information. This is in real- time so if you're playing and decide to go to your inventory, the world around you will still move. Aiming reticles are now lasers that go off into the front of Isaac to give an accurate aiming system.
Dead Space graphics a very beautiful. The look of the ship and Isaac's suit looked very detailed even in SD. In HD, this game looks absolutely amazing. The look of the enemies, although disgusting, are insane. The smoothness of the game compliments the look an feel of the game.
Unfortunately, this game offers no online, or co-op.
--Overall Score--
Story - 9
Graphics - 9.5
Gameplay - 9
Overall - 9.2
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